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Fender Custom Shop

Anderson Guitarworks: An Unwavering Commitment to Quality

Anderson Guitarworks

About Anderson Guitarworks

As a premier dealer for Anderson Guitarworks, we take immense pride in representing a brand that has a rich history dating back to 1984 when it all began in Tom's garage. Initially focusing on pickups and guitar parts, Anderson Guitarworks quickly transitioned into crafting complete guitars by 1985. From those early days to their present-day state-of-the-art facility, the commitment to quality remains unwavering.

Anderson Guitars Craftsmanship

Craftsmanship and Quality Materials

Our partnership with Anderson Guitarworks means providing our customers with instruments crafted from the finest woods sourced from select lumber mills.

Leveraging cutting-edge CAD technology ensures precision in every detail, while the meticulous woodwork and finishing are executed by seasoned craftsmen.

Innovative Techniques

Innovations like the ultraviolet light curing process for paint jobs set Anderson Guitarworks apart, enhancing both the aesthetic appeal and tonal quality of their guitars. Additionally, their range of pickups and switching configurations, meticulously designed and wound in-house, allows for a personalized sonic experience.

Tom Anderson Classic T
Attention to Detail

Attention to Detail

Inside each Anderson guitar lies not just exceptional craftsmanship, but a true work of art in the form of internal wiring. Every wire meticulously placed, every solder joint expertly executed, ensuring not only flawless functionality but also enhancing the instrument's longevity and reliability.

This attention to detail ensures maximum playability and sound quality, making every instrument a testament to unparalleled excellence. From the intricate wiring patterns to the careful selection of components, Anderson Guitarworks spares no effort in delivering instruments that exceed the highest standards of craftsmanship and performance.

The Team Behind the Excellence

The success of Anderson Guitarworks wouldn't be possible without their dedicated team. From the skilled craftsmen in the woodshop to the meticulous finish department, every employee contributes to the creation of high-performance instruments known for their quality and innovation.

Tom Anderson Guitars Pickups

Expert Builders in the Woodshop

Stepping into the woodshop reveals a team of experienced builders, many of whom are accomplished guitarists themselves. Their expertise in merging high-quality materials with advanced manufacturing techniques ensures consistency and precision in every component.

Expert Guitar Builder

Collaboration and Finishing Touches

Collaboration between the woodshop and finish department results in stunning finishes that complement the wood choices, with each instrument receiving individual attention to detail.

Expert craftsmen meticulously match the finish to the wood grain, enhancing the natural beauty of every guitar.

The final assembly process, carried out by master assemblers, brings together all components to ensure each guitar exceeds expectations.

With keen eyes for detail and years of experience, these craftsmen meticulously inspect every joint, ensuring structural integrity and flawless playability.

The Heart of Anderson Guitarworks: The Pickup Shop

The heart of Anderson Guitarworks lies in their Pickup Shop, where custom pickups are meticulously crafted to give each guitar its unique voice. Operated by skilled technicians who test and refine pickups to perfection, this department embodies the spirit of innovation and craftsmanship.

Tom Anderson Guitarworks Team

Behind the Scenes: The Office Team

Behind the scenes, the office team, led by co-owners Tom Anderson and Markus Spohn, ensures seamless operations and customer support. Their dedication to upholding core values permeates every aspect of the company, from sales to product development and administration.


Privileged to be Part of the Journey

As an Anderson dealer, we're privileged to be part of this journey, connecting musicians with instruments that inspire creativity and push the boundaries of what's possible. With each order placed, we're reminded of the passion and dedication that drive Anderson Guitarworks forward, setting the stage for countless musical journeys to come. We have a fine selection of Tom Anderson Guitars for sale. Please contact us for prompt assistance!



Make'n Music has been the original home of tone since 1973 and for over 50 years we've been committed to meeting the needs of our customers. Make'n Music offers a hand-picked selection of premium boutique and custom gear. Our Northfield, IL showroom is open and comfortable with private, soundproof demonstration rooms for a pleasant shopping environment while our website is regularly updated with an incredible array of custom electric guitars, tube amplifiers and effects pedals. Knowledgeable and courteous sales professionals are always available to help make sure the gear you want is the best choice to suit your needs.

Whether you're looking to pick up a new hobby, push sonic boundaries or simply tweak your tone, Make'n Music is the place!

Fender Custom Shop

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